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The mysterious family ERBRECHT in Mecklenburg & Pomerania in the 19´s centuary.

My grandmothers grandmothers father was a "rittergutsbesitzer" (a owner of a knights mannor house) Bülow outside Schwerin Mecklenburg. His name was Christian August (maybe also Carl Andreas) ERBRECHT (he died 1847) he was married to Elisabeth Deg(e?)ner (she died 1945). I have no idea where Christian August came from, I know nothing about his roots back in the 18´th centuary. The name ERBRECHT means "heritage rights" (rights to inherit something! It is a word used in german judicial terminology). The mystery with the ERBRECHTS at Bülow are, why they married later on into noble families and that they kept a rittergut. Elisabeth De(g)ner was probably a daughter of a "finansrath" Johann Heinrich DEGENER who also were registred as a owner of a Bülow gut (if it is the same Bülow I do not know, there are several in Germany and 5 Bülow mannor houses not so far from Schwerin in Mecklenburg). Johann Heinrich Degener supposed to be the owner of "Bülow" from 1816-1845 when his grandson Johann Adolf Carl Christian Erbrecht (son of Christian August Erbrecht took over after him).

The Erbrecht family after Christian August were the following known persons (to me):

Johann Adolf Carl Christian Erbrecht (1823-1888) married to the swedish/ pomeranian baroness Agnes Margareta Wachtmeister af Björkö (von Wachtmeister called in germany)(1823-18749 "erpächter" at Bülow.

Agnes Erbrecht (twin sister to Adolf) (1823-1885) she married the brother of Agnes Margareta, baron Carl Wilhelm Elof Wachtmeister (1816-1864). The two twin sibbling Erbrecht and their two sibbling husband and wife Wachtmeister both lived at Bülow.

There were also a brother called Frantz or Fritz Erbrecht (facts unknown!)

Thekla Erbrecht (younger sister) (1829-1859) married Hauptmann in the "2 res Garde Artilleriregimente Berlin" Gustav Wilhelm Martini (1808-1857) both died early but had a daughter:

Anna Elisabeth Martini (1852-1933) who was brought up at Bülow and later on in Schönefeldt (where the Berlin airport now is situated) She was a foster sister to her uncle Adolf Erbrecht and Agnes Wachtmeister, after her parents death when she was 5 and 7 year of age. She was brought up with their own children. Anna Elisabeth Martini married an operasinger Helmer Strömberg and my grandmother were one of their 12 children. The only children of Adolf and Agnes known to me is:

Agnes (Erbrecht) 1847-1930) married to Erich von Puttkamer at gut Treblin they had a daughter Editha and a son Georg Henning (maybe dead 1937?)who lived at gut Treblin and probably Neuhof another gut until 1930´s. when Agnes and Erich´s daughter Editha married to an ofizieren H.E. von Zanthier had Treblin until her death 1936. her daughter Erika Riesch maybe had the mannor house Treblin until 1945 when all Germans where send away from Pomerania by the russian army and the comunist Polish government.

This text is written so people who know more about the origins of this Erbrecht family can fill in and complete the facts of the mysterious Erbrechts at rittergut Bülow. And of course also the destiny of the family, are there any Erbrecht´s descendent to this family somewhere in the word, both keepingthe name and others like me having another surname and nationality? I am interested to find also more about which gut Bülow the had?

The origins or the Martini family (maybe from Pommern or Berlin) and The Mecklenburg Deg(e)ner family are also unknown to me and I have tried for 1 1/2 year to find their roots. Steve Palmquist actor Copenhagen/Denmark

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