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I think that there is more to racism than be stereotypical or thinking of things in a stereotypical way. We all have our prejudices and we all have our own fears. These were fears and prejudices created from our up-bringing. I don't think have ideas about people that may or may not be right is typically a bad thing, however I do believe that one must educate themself on the world around them and come to the conclusion that it may fit in one senario but not all. Also as a foot note to remember that some of these stereotypes listed came from the fertile imagination of some writer and not typically from experiences, and the American public was too uneducated at the time to tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction, so they happily believed it. I am convinced if you asked a modern day Klansman why he believes what he believes he would come up with no better answer than asking a non-racist person on the street why they aren't racist. I have been asking black and white Americans this question,"What started racism, why did the Europeans discriminate against Africans? Why do we still have racism today and does anyone truely know its true origins?" I haven't had one single person, white or black, to answer this satisfactorly. I believe that if you don't know why you do it then you should seriously re-evaluate your position.--The Joker 16:19, 2005 Feb 24 (UTC)

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