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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was born in Beaumont, Texas, USA in 1980 and studied computer science primarily at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I moved to Germany in 2002 and now have permanent residence here. After four years at the SAP LinuxLab and living in the Rhine Neckar Area, I moved to Berlin and worked for Native Instruments. In 2008 I co-founded Directed Edge, a company for doing recommendations on social and commerce sites. I've traveled to more than 25 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia and speak decent German and Spanish.

While studying computer science I became involved in KDE and Open Source development, authoring, among other things, JuK and TagLib. I've been published a couple times in physics and computing and have worked in profesional music in various ways over the last decade. I'm something of an armchair enthusiast in literature, philosophy and history.


I created a Wikipedia extension to use Directed Edge's recommendation engine to pull in related articles and put them on Wikipedia pages. There are instructions on how to use it here.
